Crisis Communications A Casebook Approach

Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach book cover

Now in its sixth edition, this book provides engaging, practice-oriented case studies analyzing communication professionals’ crisis preparation and responses, illustrating key considerations for communicating with both internal and external stakeholders during and after a crisis.

This edition continues its strength as a student-friendly text that demonstrates how to craft, target, and deliver messages during crises in order to mitigate further controversy and distress. Classic cases lay the foundation, while contemporary cases shed light on cutting-edge practices in use today. Many cases from previous editions have been updated and new cases added, including the COVID-19 crisis and U.S. vaccination campaign; Starbucks and racial discrimination at a Philadelphia branch; Will Smith and the Academy Awards slap; Gander, Newfoundland in supporting stranded tourists after the attacks of September 11, 2001; and a look at how schools can prepare communication responses to school shootings. Each case pays particular attention to the actual and ideal use of social media in the crisis and there is a new section on the important issues of misinformation and disinformation.

Crisis Communications, 6 th Edition is intended for courses in crisis communication, crisis management, disaster response, corporate communications, and public relations.

Student and instructor online support materials feature selected previous editions’ case studies no longer in this edition as well as an Instructor’s Manual with suggested activities, discussion questions, and sample quizzes:

Table of Contents

1. Crisis Communications Today

Misinformation and Disinformation

Mini Case Study: White Star Line’s Titanic Sinks

2. Crisis Communications Theory

Case Study: Will Smith and the Academy Awards Slap

3. “Textbook” Crises

Case Study: Johnson & Johnson and the Tylenol Murders

Case Study: Exxon and the Valdez Oil Spill

4. History-Making Crises

Case Study: Thinking Outside the Box

Case Study: Gander, Newfoundland and 9/11

Case Study: Columbine High School and the Shooting Tragedy

Update/Case Study: Hoping for the Best. Anticipating the Worst and Preparing for a School Shooting

Case Study: Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans

Update/Case Study: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and Brad Pitt

5. Communications to Prevent Crises

6. Communications When the Crises Strikes

Case Study: At Starbucks, Lawyers Can Prevent Crises

7. Social Media and Crisis Communications

8. Culture Crises

Case Study: AIDS In Africa

Update/Case Study: HIV/AIDS Plus COVID-19, A Syndemic

Case Study: Nut Rage and Korean Airlines

Case Study: Yuhan-Kimberly and Baby Wet Wipes

Case Study: Saginaw Valley State University and the Theater Controversy

9. Transportation Crises

Case Study: Holland America and Cruise Crises

Update/Case Study: Cruise Ships and COVID-19

Case Study: U.S. Airways and the Miracle on the Hudson

Update/Case Study: Airplanes and Bird Strikes

10. Truth and Privacy

Case Study: Wendy’s and the Finger in the Chili

Mini Case: Dominos Pizza

Case Study: Mr. Famous Dead Person and Privacy

11. The Basic Crisis Communications Plan

Appendix A: Generic Crisis Communications Plan for a Company

Appendix B: Sample Crisis Communications Plan for a Nonprofit

Appendix C: Crisis Communications Plan After a Cyber Attack



Kathleen Fearn-Banks is a tenured professor with emeritus status in the Department of Communication at the University of Washington, USA.

Kevin Kawamoto is a former associate professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA.