When you cannot complete a transaction on your point of sale, it can be a frustrating experience for you and your customer. This article provides common reasons for declined or incomplete transactions, and how to fix the issues.
This article is about declined or incomplete transactions. If you’re having trouble with crashing and frozen screen issues, try to troubleshoot the Square Point of Sale app.
Keep in mind that some payments do not process immediately:
If a card is declined in the Square app, you’ll see one of the following errors:
Try these steps to process the payment.
Step 1: Confirm personal informationFor manually entered transactions, the information entered must match the payment card exactly. If your customer has recently moved, the billing ZIP code entered may be outdated. If you’re manually entering a third-party gift card, the customer may need to contact the card issuer to register the card with a billing address, which is required to manually enter any card.
Step 2: Confirm calendar settingsIf your compatible Apple device is set to the wrong calendar, it can result in declined cards. Follow these steps to check your calendar:
Customer card details will turn red if the information entered is incorrect. Verify with your customer that the information you’re entering is valid.
Square is not given an exact reason a card is declined. If your customer has confirmed their card is valid and the transaction still declines, they should contact their card-issuing bank for more information.
Step 5: Check Square status pageIf your device is online and all your card transactions appear to be declining, there may be a wider issue affecting payments which can be confirmed by checking for updates at issquareup.com.
In this instance, you can take offline payments. To disconnect your device from the internet to accept offline payments:
Once the issue has been stabilized or resolved, re-enable Wi-Fi (or reconnect your Ethernet cable to your device, if applicable) to allow your device access to the internet and upload your offline transactions. You must reconnect to the internet within 24 hours of losing internet connectivity or taking your first offline payment, depending on what Square hardware and connected hardware you’re using, to ensure that your offline payments are processed.
Note: If you don’t force your device offline to accept offline payments by following the steps above, then any transactions you attempt to process will continue to decline and will not be retried once the issue has been stabilized or resolved.
Learn how to process offline payments with Square for more information.
Square requires an active internet connection to process payments. This can be either a Wi-Fi connection or a cellular data service (such as 4G, 5G, or EDGE). Wi-Fi provides a faster processing experience with Square.
The Square apps do not support multitasking, meaning in-person payments from your compatible device may be interrupted by an incoming call or text message.