Childcare Templates & Tools

Free printable resources to save you time while managing your childcare center, preschool, or family child care

Resources for childcare center owners, directors, administrators, and educators

Download our easy-to-use templates to make your own lesson plans, family handbook, and more

Printables for promoting child development

Daily Lesson Plan Template

A free, printable template for creating lesson plans

Preschool Daily Sheet

A printable preschool daily sheet to help you communicate with parents

Toddler Daily Sheet

A printable toddler daily sheet to help you communicate with parents

Activities Across Developmental Domains

Developmentally-appropriate activity ideas for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers

Calendar Template for Early Education Programs

A template for creating a school year calendar for families

Classroom Job Chart for Preschools

A free, printable guide for creating a classroom job chart

First Day of School Checklist

A checklist to share with your incoming families

Infant Daily Sheet

A printable infant daily sheet to help you communicate with parents

A Guide to Studying the Natural World with Young Children - Fall Edition

A printable guide to help you enhance outdoor learning and exploration of the natural world at your center

Printables for hiring and developing childcare staff

Interview Questions for Childcare and Preschool Staff

A worksheet to help you hire amazing early educators

Staff Onboarding Checklist

A checklist for onboarding new staff members

Childcare Staff Wellness During COVID-19 Checklist

A checklist for keeping your staff happy and healthy during COVID-19

Job Posting Template for Childcare and Preschool Staff

A resource for hiring amazing childcare and preschool teachers

Performance Evaluation Forms for Childcare and Preschool Staff

A template for early childhood education staff performance evaluations

Professional Development Day Agenda

A printable agenda for staff training days

Reflection Guide for Early Education Teams

A guide for leading meaningful reflection sessions for your team

Staff Handbook Template for Early Education Programs

A staff handbook template you can easily customize

How to Start the Year Strong: Build an Engaged Team

A free guide to help early educator leaders refresh their practices and build an engaged team

Printables for increasing family engagement

Family Handbook Templates

A collection of templates to help spark ideas for your handbook (or to help you create a new one)

120 Essential Survey Questions for Family Feedback

A guide for creating effective family surveys

Communications Calendar for Welcoming New Families

A free messaging schedule to build trust with incoming families

New Family Orientation Checklist

A checklist for planning a successful orientation

Open House Checklist for Childcare Centers and Preschools

A checklist for planning a successful open house event

Parent-Teacher Conference Checklist

A checklist for planning productive parent-teacher conferences

Tip Sheet for Families: Helping Students Transition to a New Program

A tip sheet to share with your incoming families

Welcome Letter for New Families

A free welcome letter template you can easily customize

How to Start the Year Strong: Enhance the Children's and Families' Experiences

A free guide to help early educator leaders refresh their practices and enhance the children’s and families’ experiences

Printables for running your childcare business

Childcare and Preschool Supply List

A list of everything you need to start an early education program

Tax Preparation Checklist

A checklist for keeping track of important tasks and due dates when filing your ECE business taxes

Annual Budget Planner

A spreadsheet for tracking your business expenses and revenue so you can see your finances at a glance

New Family Intake Form

A free form for getting to know your new families

Review Response Template for Childcare and Preschool Businesses

A resource for replying to online reviews on Google, Yelp, and Facebook

The Ultimate Cleaning Guide

A free, printable guide for cleaning your center

Waiting List Form

A free, printable form to organize your waitlist process

Grant Writing Guide for Childcare Programs

A free guide for writing effective grants

Paycheck Protection Program Loan Tracking Spreadsheet

A tool for recording your PPP loan expenditures

How to Start the Year Strong: Optimize Your Operations

A free guide to help early educator leaders refresh their practices and optimize your operations

Payroll Template for Childcare Programs

A free template to simplify payroll tracking and management

8 Tax-Saving Strategies for Childcare Programs

A free tax guide for increasing deductions and minimizing tax liabilities

Annual Report Template for Childcare Programs

A free template for creating effective annual reports


A free printable template for sign-in sheets by child

Looking for more free ECE resources? Check out our eBooks, blog and on-demand webinar library.