Crossword Solver

Explore Crossword Solver for instant solutions to your favorite crossword puzzles. You can search by given clues, discover today’s puzzles, and access expert help.

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Looking for crossword puzzle answers today or for past solutions? Crossword Solver handles all crossword types.

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Enter your crossword clue, and the tool generates a list of possible words.

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Crossword Careers Overview

What Types of People Do Newspapers Mention on Their Crosswords?

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How to Be an Expert Crossword Puzzle-Solver

Want to become the ultimate crossword puzzle-solver? Let us help you find answers to crossword puzzles with our online crossword solver, whether you have a word on the tip of your tongue or just need one clue. Crossword puzzle answers for today can be found easily, so you don’t have to wait for the next day’s newspaper or cheat on an app to find out the solutions!

Use this crossword helper to enter crossword clues, search for specific words by the number of letters, or read our guide to learn new, different strategies for solving your daily crossword. Help is finally here in our ultimate guide to crossword puzzle-solving!

Our ultimate guide has everything, like where to find crossword games, how to solve crosswords, the most common crossword clues and answers, and other fun facts about America’s favorite word-puzzle game. Nothing is more maddening than a crossword clue that’s difficult to understand, but don’t worry! Enter that tricky crossword puzzle clue into our tool and you’ll find yourself in crossword heaven!

Table of Contents:

Solving Common Crossword Clues

Using our word-finder, crossword fans can easily enter the clues that are stumping them and let our word-grabber find several different options. There are two main strategies for getting crossword puzzle help: enter in the clue and have our crossword-tracker grab answers, or try out our word solver to find the specific word by the letters you have and size of the space you need to fill in.

Search Crossword Clues and Find Answers

Get specific crossword clue help by learning answers you’re likely to need. Here are a few common examples:

The 30 Most Common Crossword Answers Every Word Puzzle Fan Should Know [Infographic]

Crossword-writers are known for their wit, subtlety, and wordplay. Crossword-solvers are frequently known for scratching their heads in confusion at out-of-date or uncommon terms that are used because they so often make a great fit on the board. These crossword quiz answers might not be used in everyday speech, but they’re used often in crossword puzzles. In fact, there’s a word to describe this: “crosswordese.” These are the top 30 most commonly used crossword clue answers.

crosswordese infographic

Where to Play Crossword Games Online

Here’s a quick overview of the best free crossword puzzles that you can find online, either on mobile devices or your desktop. We recommend playing on a tablet; that way, it’s easier to read most crossword puzzle games. Free puzzles can be found with difficulties ranging from easy to hard. For instance, one can find pretty easy online crossword puzzles from USA Today, but if you really want a hard puzzle, pick the New York Times crossword on Saturday.

Remember that if you get stuck on your daily crossword, answers can be found easily with our clue-finder!

Newspapers With Free Online Crossword Puzzles

The Best Crossword Apps

How Do You Solve Crossword Puzzles?

Let’s split up how to do a crossword puzzle into in the basic steps as well as some pro tips.

  1. Make a first pass in one direction, usually starting with 1 Across, and solve the most obvious clues first. For instance, solve for fill-in-the-blank questions first, as they tend to be more obvious than others.
  2. Make a first pass in the other direction, usually starting with 1 Down, solving for the most obvious clues first and making sure there aren’t discrepancies. Find some obvious clues, and make sure they fit together when written out.
  3. Do your second pass, now with more letters to help you figure out new crossword answers. It’s a good idea to start from the top left and fill in words with some letters already filled in. This in-crossword help will give you more clues. If you’re still struggling, consider trying our anagram solver to help you find words with the letters you have.
  4. Repeat these steps, taking breaks occasionally to look at the crossword quiz answers in a new way. Do this until you’re done. Keep considering the theme, look out for anagrams, and consider consulting a synonym and antonym finder to find new words that are similar to the clues. Remember to think outside of the box when trying to fill in those boxes!
  5. Once you’ve completed the whole crossword game, check your answers. It’s possible, though rare, that your crossword clues and answers fit but don’t match the newspaper’s answers.

Tips for Understanding Crossword Clues

It can be hard to understand a crossword clue because crossword-writers are absolutely notorious for being cryptic. A good crossword player is typically a master riddle-solver, as one has to really think outside of the box to figure out some of these more difficult hints. Here are a few crossword-solving tips:

Tips for Solving Hard Puzzles and Cryptic Crosswords

The most important tip is to practice. Max Deutsch took a month to master the Saturday New York Times crossword, and it required consistent practice, about 46 hours in total. He used a lot of memorization with letter training, memorizing crossword answers and clue pairings and completing a sizable number of puzzles. Practice is a huge piece of the puzzle but not the only piece, as harder puzzles like cryptic crosswords require divergent and flexible thinking.

What Are Cryptic Crosswords?

Cryptics are different types of crosswords with even more tricky wordplay, and the clues are often deliberately misleading. They tend to be more popular in Britain and the greater commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. They can also be found in a few publications in America, like The New Yorker.

Note: Not all British crosswords are cryptic. British-style crosswords tend to have more black squares in a particular pattern than American-style crosswords; cryptic crosswords are a separate thing!

How Do You Solve Cryptic Crosswords?

Cryptic crosswords are like normal crosswords, but the clues tend to involve wordplay and also have very convoluted, intentionally confusing hints. If you’re doing a cryptic crossword, know that the definition is typically hiding in plain sight, and don’t lose heart!

Depending on the difficulty and the specific newspaper editor, you might find cryptic crossword clues with weird traits like these:

Of course, it can even get harder, like metapuzzles, crosswords that unlock even more word puzzles, or Schrodinger puzzles, in which clues have more than one correct answer. Once you start getting the hang of being a crosswords-solver, you can start to seek out some of these more difficult puzzles!

A Short Timeline of Crossword Puzzle History

first crossword puzzle

D-day Crossowrd Puzzle

DIY: How to Create a Crossword Puzzle for Students

If you’re a teacher or a parent trying to learn how to create a crossword puzzle as an educational tool, it’s quite easy!

You’ll need a crossword-maker. Here are a few places where you can make your own free printable crossword puzzles for kids:

Once you have the program installed, follow these steps:

  1. First, choose your theme. Even the pros tend to start this way.
  2. Pick out some words. If you’re a teacher, gather a list of vocabulary words on your topic. If you’re doing this for fun, you might want to start by finding words and phrases around your crossword’s theme. Pick out the longest and most complicated words you want to include first.
  3. Map out your grid. If you’re using a simple or free crossword-maker, you can move on to creating your list of clues. If you want to create an in-depth, professional-looking crossword, you’ll want to map out your grid first before moving onto the next step. Professional grids are typically in symmetrical squares; The New York Times crosswords are typically 15 squares by 15 squares.
  4. Create your clues. The standard is that clues are typically not full sentences, do not feature punctuation (unless you want to indicate a trickier clue with a question mark or include “_” for a fill-in-the-blank clue), and are as short as possible. Also, consider not simply using crossword definitions but instead including relevant pop culture references, obscure or alternative synonyms, and different ways to think about simple words. For instance, the answer “Oreo” could be “cream-filled cookie,” “Nabisco treat,” or “popular ice cream flavor.” Thinking outside of the box will make your crossword puzzle more difficult. More complicated clues may use tricks like homonyms or reversals. (See our notes on cryptic crosswords.)
  5. Fact-check your answers/clues. Make sure your clues and answers are fact-based, rather than opinion-based, and that they’re accurate. If your goal is to make your crossword easier for kids, take the time to try to think of alternative answers to your questions to make sure they’re not misleading.

Tips From the Pros

It sounds very simple, but the process of creating your own crossword can get more complicated.

Did you know that you can actually submit your crosswords to be published? If you’re feeling confident, you can submit your finished, formatted puzzle to places like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, or Simon & Schuster.

Use our online crossword-solver to get better at finding crossword solutions quickly, and you may be able to master even the Saturday puzzles! We’re the ultimate word-game helper, with dozens of tools, word-finders, word counters, and guides to help you master whatever you might be playing, from Scrabble to Words With Friends to other popular word games. Solve every crossword clue and get the help you need with our solver today! Read Less

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