Laboratory Manual for Engineering Properties of Foods

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fundamentals of food engineering us a good and interesting subject

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Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

Dielectric properties of materials are used for evaluating their interactions with electromagnetic energy. Dielectric properties of food materials are required for various applications in food industry such as microwave (at 915 or 2450 MHz), radio wave (at 13.56, 27.12 or 40.68 MHz) and magnetic field processing. In order to understand the response of food materials to electromagnetic energy, dielectric parameters must be determined as a function of frequency, temperature, composition and moisture content. In this review, the dielectric properties of different food groups were listed depending on temperature and frequency ranges. In addition to the literature data of dielectric properties, the penetration depths of microwave or radio wave through food groups were calculated. The effects of temperature and composition (mostly moisture content) on dielectric properties depend on the type of the food and sometimes on frequency. However, the effect of frequency is constant; increased fr.

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Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis

In general, processing and manipulation with foods and food raw materials have significant influence on their physical properties. The article is focused on thermophysical parameters measurement of selected foods and food raw materials. There were examined thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of selected materials. For detection of thermal parameters was used instrument Isomet 2104, which principle of measurement is based on transient methods. In text are presented summary results of thermal parameters measurement for various foods and food raw materials as: granular materials – corn flour and wheat flour; fruits, vegetables and fruit products – grated apple, dried apple and apple juice; liquid materials – milk, beer etc. Measurements were performed in two temperature ranges according to the character of examined material. From graphical relations of thermophysical parameter is evident, that thermal conductivity and diffusivity increases with temperature and moisture content.

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