Wisconsin high school tracks records

2024 MileSplit Girls' Indivdual Country Rankings: Week 2

Following the first weekend of the 2024 girls' cross-country, see the following page to see who made the top 50 rankings after week 1.

2024 MileSplit Girls' Indivdual Country Rankings: Week 2

Following the first weekend of the 2024 girls' cross-country, see the following page to see who made the top 50 rankings after week 1.

2024 MileSplit WI Boys' Indivdual Country Rankings: Week 2

Following the first weekend of the 2024 boys' cross-country, see the following page to see who made the top 50 rankings after week 1.

Wisconsin XC Week No. 2: Upcoming Meets On Tap

Photo by Jenna Statz The 2024 Wisconsin high school cross country season continues Saturday, September 7th with many teams across the state competing. See below a listing of what's shaping up to be a big day of XC!

WIAA Pre-Season: Top-100 Returner Rankings

With the first weekend of the 2024 girls' cross-country season approaching this weekend, see the following page on who to look out for this year based on the Returner Rankings.

WIAA Pre-Season: Top-100 Returner Rankings

With the first weekend of the 2024 boys' cross-country season approaching this weekend, see the following page on who to look out for this year based on the Returner Rankings.
