Call Recording for Comcast Business VoiceEdge

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Most Comcast Business VoiceEdge customers will find themselves scrambling for a voice recording solution. The platform has no built-in recorder except for a USB drive recorder with very limited functionality. This leaves these Comcast VoiceEdge customers vulnerable as they have no way to capture customer interactions to resolve disputes, monitor agent performance, identify customer service workflow disruptions or uncover compliance issues.

OrecX offers a call recording solution for Comcast Voice Edge customers that features:

  1. Selective/on-demand recording to comply with PCI-DSS
  2. REST API for easy integration and to pull in 3rd party data that is important to the company (from CRM, speech analytics systems, etc.)
  3. Ability to access and control your own recorded voice data (without paying extra) for analysis, evaluation and compliance purposes. Some vendors charge an arm and a leg just to gain access to your recordings.

Comcast Business VoiceEdge is a hosted voice and unified communications solution. Fully managed over Comcast’s network, Comcast VoiceEdge eliminates the need for expensive on-site PBX equipment or key systems, provides a manageable monthly cost and delivers high service quality to improve communications and productivity.

OrecX has tested its Oreka TR recording solution with Comcast Business VoiceEdge in the Comcast lab and in a production environment with the Comcast advanced tech group. We now offer fully compliant and lab-tested Comcast VoiceEdge call recording. All recordings are accessible via web browser.