Whenever you buy something on account, or with a credit card, or you get a loan from the bank to do so, you are buying on ‘credit’. In just the second quarter of 2019 alone, the total value of new credit granted was nearly R134.71 billion; whilst the total book of outstanding credit during that period exceeded R1.9 trillion. 1 That’s a lot of debt – indeed, it is reported that household debt in South Africa is at 75.4% of disposable income. 2
The National Credit Act 2005 has laudable purposes – amongst others: promoting responsibility and fairness in the credit market, addressing imbalances in negotiating power between consumers and credit providers, improving credit information and reporting, preventing over-indebtedness – and, just as important for many, providing a harmonised system of debt restructuring, and debt counselling.
The Act falls under the authority of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, but a lot of administration is effected by the National Credit Regulator.